想起十八歲的冬天,因為旅費拮据,和先生從高雄回台北只能搭"復興號",現在再讓我搭一次我好像會翻白眼。那時候路邊九十元的牛排就很美味,先生騎車來台北接我下課往返路程兩小時也每日不間斷,騎車吹風淋雨也覺得很浪漫,我們交換著寫滿廢話的心情筆記本,當兵前他交給我一張提款卡存著他暑假打工的薪水~~~ 青春真好,相較於二十年後的我們,當時單純又容易滿足,人長大了,心也大了,很多樂趣我們卻失去了體會的能力。


《First Time》


作詞:Henrik Meinke, Jonas Kalsch, Alexsej Vlasenko, Jeremy Chacon & Kygo   

作曲:Henrik Meinke, Jonas Kalsch, Alexsej Vlasenko, Jeremy Chacon & Kygo

We were lovers for the first time
Running all the red lights
The middle finger was our peace sign, yeah
We were sipping on emotions
Smoking and inhaling every moment
It was reckless and we owned it, yeah, yeah

We were high and we were sober
We were under, we were over
We were young and now I'm older
But I'd do it all again

Getting drunk on a train track
Way back, when we tried our first cigarettes
Ten dollars was a fat stack
I'd do it all again
Bomber jacket and a snapback
Your dad's black Honda was a Maybach
"Re: Stacks" on the playback
I'd do it all again

We were lovers on a wild ride
Speeding for the finish line
Come until the end of our time, yeah
Started off as a wildfire, burning down the bridges to our empire
Our love was something they could admire, yeah, yeah

We were high and we were sober
We were under, we were over
We were young and now I'm older
But I'd do it all again

Getting drunk on a train track
Way back, when we tried our first cigarettes
Ten dollars was a fat stack
I'd do it all again
Bomber jacket and a snapback
Your dad's black Honda was a Maybach
Re: Stacks on the playback
I'd do it all again

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